
Shortlines' IPD boxcars in the Seventies

Athearn ACF: add Decals (ANR MCSA MR MSE NLG PHD PW SRN)
Athearn FMC: replace the coupler pockets (BH CAD CIRR HSW)
Athearn PS-5344: replace the coupler pockets (CCR GMRC TASD)
MDC FMC: shorten the coupler pocets (ADN MTW PHD SNCT SSDK)
MDC PS-5277: shorten the coupler pockets (SM)
LBF: shorten the coupler pockets (GWF)

"Incentive Per Diem Color Guide" by James Kinkaid in 2019, Morning Sun Books

ADN 8057, Ashley Drew & Northern (MDC)

A&MR 1070, Arcata & Mad River Railroad (Athearn)

AN 5517, Apalachicola Northern Railroad (Athearn)

A&NR, Angelina & Neches River Railroad (Athearn)
IPD Boxcar collection

ASAB 7149, Atlanta & Saint Andrews Bay Railway (Walthers)

BH 25132, Bath & Hammondsport Railroad (Athearn)[UNFINISHED]


CAD 1109, Cadiz Railroad (Athearn)[UNFINISHED]

CIRR 90036, Chatahoochee Industrial Railroad (Athearn)[UNFINISHED]

CCR 6139, Corinth & Counce Railroad (Athearn)[PROJECT]

COP 7341, City of Prineville Railway (Athearn) [PROJECT]

CPLT 7710, Camino Placerville and Lake Tahoe Railroad

DM 2217, Detroit and Mackinac Railway

ESLJ 7724, East St. Louis Junction Railroad Co. [PROJECT]

GMRC 11028, Green Mountain Railroad [UNFINISHED]

GRN 8045, Greenville & Northern Railway

GWF 1001, Galveston Wharves

HCRC 824, Hillsdale County Railway

HS 2008, Hartford & Slocomb Railroad

HSW 1013, Helena SouthWestern Railroad [UNFINISHED]

LOAM 88000, Louisiana Midland (Athearn) [PROJECT]

LPN 52009, Longview, Portland & Northern Railroad

LRS 5090, Laurinburg and Southern Railroad

LVRC 4003, Lamoille Valley Railroad

MB 5290, Meridian and Bigbee Railroad

MCSA 6119, Moscow Camden San Augustine Railroad

MDW 10107, Minnesota Dakota & Western

MNJ 120682, Middletown and New Jersey Railway

MNS 49751, Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway [PROJECT]

MPA 9000, Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad

MR 2164, McCloud River Railroad

MSE 835, Mississippi Export Railroad

MTW 4176, Marinette, Tomahawk & Western Railroad Co.

NLG 5064, North Louisiana & Gulf Railroad

NOPB, New Orleans Public Belt Railroad (MDC) [PROJECT]

NSL 100035, St. Lawrence Railroad

PHD 1008, Port Huron and Detroit Railroad Co.

PT, Peninsula Terminal (MDC) [PROJECT]

PW 278, Providence & Worcester Railroad

RR 476, Raritan River Railroad

SAN PS-5344

SBVR 2047, South Branch Valley Railroad

SM 3371, St. Marys Railroad Co.

SNCT 1207, Seattle & North Coast

SRN 5187, Sabine River & Northern Railroad

SSDK 1041, Savannah State Docks Railroad

TASD 78192, Terminal Railway. Alabama State Docks [PROJECT]

TM 3024, Texas Mexican Railway [PROJECT]

TPW 70109, Toledo Peoria & Western Railway

UO 1524, Union Railroad of Oregon


VSO 6052, Valdosta Southern Railroad Co. (Athearn) [PROJECT]

VTR 4014, Vermont Railway

YW ?


Most of these are models released in the 1980s - 1990s. As you are familiar with, They are inferior to modern products in many ways. Some are too wide. Some have low roofs and short bodies. The press pattern on the roof and the position of the door are different. The grabirons and ladders are too thick and do not float from the car body. The more you look at it, the more disappointing it will be, as the paint color and lettering are slightly different.

If you own the same product, you can sell it off at an online auction immediately. The inferiority is well known among fans, so set the starting price next to nothing. so that beginners who do not know anything can catch.

That's it. Then the number of fans will increase. Even beginners will become more dissatisfied with these as the years go by. And sell it off. In addition, the next beginner will get it, and so on. So, I hope I can get a slight spill in the meantime. The reason I want these is that they are essentially cheap. Finding something different from the actual car is an entertainment like "Where's Wally", and it also increases my knowledge. It's a lot of fun to process the parts that is wrong. Derailing doesn't break, and broken steps can be fixed with my technique. Above all, it is enough to enjoy the beautiful design of the actual car.

On the other hand, new products are expensive. Nonetheless, there is little I can do. The maker has taken all the fun of making a model.
Problems such as fixing where the coupler gets caught are rather dissatisfied.
I don't have the attachment that I processed a lot, and I keep it in a box so that it won't break, so I would forget to own it. All I can enjoy is the desire to own it, but even that will disperse over time.

That's why I want to acquire old models.





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