
D&H PS-1 40' boxcar (Con-Cor)

D&H 22241, Delaware & Hudson, BLT 8-56
Con-Cor 40' PS-1 boxcar kit stock#0001-009421, released in 1990




Tony Cook氏のウエブサイトによれば、最初はAHM/Roco製品としてRMC誌1961年12月号の広告に登場(MR誌では1962年5月号p13に製品紹介)。RMC誌1972年10月号で金型変更が伝えられる。Con-Cor製品としては、MR誌1989年4月号p9に広告(下画像)。この広告では最初はAHM/Liliput (Austria)で、Con-CorはLiliputから金型を購入して、カプラーをボディーマウントとするなどの改良を行ったとしている。そのためか床下面には"MADE IN US"という陽刻があり、”US”は"AUSTRIA"の綴りの一部を利用しているようだ。

page 9 of the MR April 1989

HO' 40 Ft. PS-1 Boxcar ... Ready! These cars have a double history ...
THE PROTOTYPE: At the end of World War II all the equipment on the US Railroads was very tired and worn out. Faced with huge orders for new equipment, Pullman Standard developed a line of "Standardized" freight cars using common components and assembly line methods (hence the 'PS' designation). Tens of thousands of the 40 Ft. version were built from the late 1940's and into the early 1960's (when the railroads started buying mostly 50 ft. cars). Just about every railroad in North America had some of these cars, and a few even survive today.
THE MODEL: About 1962 the now defunct AHM Corporation contracted with the Austrian firm of Liliput to make plastic R.T.R. freight cars using the 'PS' plans. Three cars were made: a 40 Ft. PS-1 Boxcar with Sliding Doors, a 40 Ft. PS-1 with Plug Doors and a 45 Ft. PS-2 Covered Hopper Car. Eventually almost a million of these cars were manufactured and sold during the 1960's. When inflation in Europe forced up the cost, AHM, themselves, had copies of the Boxcar (but not the Covered Hopper) made in lower wage areas, selling them for a few more years into the early 1970's. This original model of the PS-1 is considered by many to still be the best model of the PS-1 ever made and Con-Cor has announced that they have purchased this original tooling from Liliput of Vienna Austria. Several months and a lot of money has been spent to repair the tooling and bring it back to its original 'mint' condition. Sitting unused in a warehouse for almost 20 years had taken some toll on its condition, but that has all been repaired now. And one MAJOR improvement has been made. Now the car underframe has been modified to accept BODY MOUNTED X2f Couplers or the standard Kadee #5 Coupler.
FEATURES: * One-piece, highly detailed body with precisely engraved ladders and grab irons molded onto the body casting. * Correct PS-1 Panel Doors which open/close. * Super-detailed Bettendorf Trucks. * Separate metal weight. * Easy assembly kit form.

Page 15 of the Nov. 1961 issue of the the Model Railroader magazine

Page 23 of Feb. 1962 of the MR magazine

See also the Trade Topics section (page 13-14) of the May 1962 issue of the MR.
ラベル:D&H Con-Cor
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