C&O for Progress
AHM/Roco box car stock#5486C released in 1972 (Tony Cook's website, Martin's website)
ex-ATT stock#412 released in 1970 (tooling started in 1969, a Canadian fan site)
See the thread of the Atlas Rescue forum.
2023-11-02 床板車端部の歪除去準備,屋根歩み板にシルバーを吹く(D2オリジナル・シルバー),少し白い.
2023-11-05 床板車端部の矯正.カプラー取付座の調整.
2023-11-11 カプラー本体を取付(低頭小ねじM2.3x5).カプラーポケット尾端ブロックと,床板抜け止めを貼付.
2023-11-13 床板抜け止めを仕上げる.
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