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Burlington Northern Railroad
HO Scale Model Collection


The Burlington Northern Railroad existed during 25 years from 1970 to 1995. My first visit to U.S.A. in 1993, made me infatuated with the beautiful Cascade green. Since the time, I saw many pictorials, and bought a lot of HO scale models. If the locomotive was not green, it was shortly repainted. Welcome to my remarkable collection.カスケード・グリーン・フォーエバー バーリントン・ノーザン
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BN1 Athearn SD40-2a.jpg

Works K is the handle name of me, Kotaro Kuriu. Under it, I am producing many models. It's main items are HO scale BN engines and rolling stocks, which large part is kitbashing from mass production made by Athearn, Kato and other manufactures. Otherwise, I have collected Brass models too. As BN existed in only 25 years, I am modeling also O scale in the other era. Thus, I have interested in around American prototype railroad items.

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